Charter of the Global Planning Education Association Network


This document describes the nature and operation of GPEAN. It is designed to provide the minimum framework needed for the operation of a peer based network of international co-operation.


The name of the organization shall be the Global Planning Education Association Network (abbreviated as GPEAN).


GPEAN is a network of associations of university level planning programs and schools in urban and regional planning. Members are national or multi-national Associations.


Membership is  available to national or multi-national Associations of planning programs and schools that meet the following criteria:

  • Programs and Schools of the Association operate university level planning programs
    • The Association has been in existence for 4 years or more
    • The Association has active mechanisms for exchange and contact, for example:
      • Regular  meetings or congress
      • Journal or other publication route for papers
      • Website
      • Convener or executive structure with contact details
      • Active communication amongst the membership

Nine Associations are founding Members of GPEAN:

  • Association of African Planning Schools (AAPS);
    • Association of Canadian University Planning Programs (ACUPP);
    • Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (USA) (ACSP);
    • Association for the Development of Planning Education and Research (APERAU);
    • Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP);
    • Association of Latin-American Schools of Urbanism and Planning (ALEUP);
    • Asian Planning Schools Association (APSA);
    • Australian and New Zealand Association of Planning Schools (ANZAPS); and the
    • National Association of Urban and Regional Post-graduate and Research Programs (Brazil) (ANPUR).

Associations wishing to join GPEAN must have the support of two sponsors who are current Members, and must make application using established procedures. The decision to admit new Members will require a two-thirds vote of the existing Members confirming consistency with the criteria above.

If, in the view of two Members, an Association appears to no longer meet the criteria for Membership, they may propose the ending of membership of that Association. ln such a case, the Association being reviewed has the right to and must be given the opportunity to defend its Membership to GPEAN at the next Meeting. The proposal for ending Membership must be supported by four-fifths of the existing Members, not including the Association being reviewed.

Observer Associations

Other Associations may be accorded observer status at the discretion of the current full Members. Observer Associations have full rights to participate in discussions, but do not have decision-making power.


The purposes of GPEAN are to facilitate international communication on equal terms amongst the university planning communities in order to improve the quality and visibility of planning pedagogy, research and practice, and to promote ethical, sustainable, multi-cultural, gender-sensitive, participatory planning.


GPEAN shall have two standing committees. One is the Coordinating Committee and the other is the World Planning School Congress Steering Committee.

Each full member association shall appoint one voting representative to the Coordinating Committee and one voting representative to the World Planning School Congress Steering Committee.


Associations will have until 31 December 2003 to ratify this charter, thereby retaining their status as founding Members of the Global Planning Education Association Network.


Amendments may be proposed by a four-fifths vote of the Coordinating Committee, or by the written request of one-third of the Member associations. Proposed amendments are to be forwarded to each of the Member Associations. Member Associations are required to consider the amendment within 6 months and respond in writing. Approval of two-thirds of the Member associations is required to enact an amendment.

The undersigned representatives to GPEAN propose this charter on Friday 30 May 2003, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, to be ratified by the Associations.